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科目一覧へ戻る/Return to the Course List | 2020/09/23 現在/As of 2020/09/23 |
開講科目名 /Course |
開講所属 /Course Offered by |
ターム?学期 /Term?Semester |
2020年度/2020 Academic Year 秋学期/FALL SEMESTER |
曜限 /Day, Period |
水2/Wed 2 |
開講区分 /semester offered |
秋学期/Fall |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
学年 /Year |
2,3,4 |
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
P.ネルム/Paul NARUM |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Affiliation |
P.ネルム/Paul NARUM | 英語学科/ENGLISH |
授業の目的?内容 /Course Objectives |
The aim of the course during the second semester will be to give students the skill set to translate more effectively, focusing on translations from Japanese to English. Particular attention will be given to vocabulary nuance and word order. The materials used will include English translations of novels and essays by famous Japanese authors (including Matsuo Basho, Natsume Soseki, Yasunari Kawabata, Yukio Mishima, Shusaku Endo, Kobo Abe, Haruki Murakami, Banana Yoshimoto, Mitsuyo Kakuta), along with movies based on those authors’ works, and Japanese animated features (looking at the English and Japanese subtitles).The format of the course will consist of lectures in Japanese presenting excerpts from the material chosen for the week, with students doing short translations in class. | ||||||||||
授業の形式?方法と履修上の注意 /Teaching method and Attention the course |
Lectures and discussions | ||||||||||
事前?事後学修の内容 /Before After Study |
毎週の例文を復習 配られた文章を予習 期末課題(作文を最終回の授業中にて提出) |
テキスト1 /Textbooks1 |
テキスト2 /Textbooks2 |
テキスト3 /Textbooks3 |
参考文献等1 /References1 |
参考文献等2 /References2 |
参考文献等3 /References3 |
評価方法 /Evaluation |
Class performance 25% (maximum number of absences=4) Miscellaneous homework 25% Final examination and self-evaluation 50% Four or more absences will likely disqualify students from getting credit. 4回以上の欠席は単位取得を困難にする。 |
関連科目 /Related Subjects |
備考 /Notes |
テキスト:Materials to be handed out in class weekly. | ||||||||||
到達目標 /Learning Goal |
中級レベルの総合的な英語力(文法?論理?教養?表現等)を総合的に習得し、文化的発想の違いにも目を配りながら英文を的確に和訳し、ならびに和文を的確に英訳できるようにする。 |
回 /Time |
授業計画(主題の設定) /Class schedule |
授業の内容 /Contents of class |
事前?事後学修の内容 /Before After Study |
1 | Introduction to class, Matsuo Basho | Class overview, "Furuike ya" (haiku) | |
2 | Natsume Soseki | Botchan (book) | Review handouts from the previous week |
3 | Natsume Soseki | Kokoro (book) | Review handouts from the previous week |
4 | Yasunari Kawabata | Snow Country (book) | Review handouts from the previous week |
5 | Yasunari Kawabata | Snow Country (analysis) | Review handouts from the previous week |
6 | Yukio Mishima | After the Banquet (book) | Review handouts from the previous week |
7 | Kobo Abe | Box Man (book) | Review handouts from the previous week |
8 | Kobo Abe | The Woman in the Dunes (book) | Review handouts from the previous week |
9 | Kobo Abe | The Woman in the Dunes (movie) | Review handouts from the previous week |
10 | Shusaku Endo | Silence (book, movie) | Review handouts from the previous week |
11 | Haruki Murakami | Norwegian Wood (book) | Review handouts from the previous week |
12 | Movie subtitles | Grave of the Fireflies (animation) | Review handouts from the previous week |
13 | Banana Yoshimoto, Mitsuyo Kakuta | On Beauty, On Cooking (essays) | Prepare final report |
14 | Final report submission, one-on-one interviews | Course wrap-up | Submit final report |