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科目一覧へ戻る/Return to the Course List | 2020/09/23 現在/As of 2020/09/23 |
開講科目名 /Course |
開講所属 /Course Offered by |
大学全カリ外国語科目/ |
ターム?学期 /Term?Semester |
2020年度/2020 Academic Year 秋学期/FALL SEMESTER |
曜限 /Day, Period |
月3/Mon 3 |
開講区分 /semester offered |
秋学期/Fall |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
学年 /Year |
1,2,3,4 |
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
W.ヘイ/William HAY |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Affiliation |
W.ヘイ/William HAY | 経営学科/MANAGEMENT |
授業の目的?内容 /Course Objectives |
The aim of this course is to continue to build confidence in your speaking ability and oral presentation skills. You will be exposed to a variety of topics covering a range of social situations By the end of this course, you will be able to: 1. Discuss and lead discussions on a variety of social issues. 2. Feel an improvement in your skills in comprehension, critical thinking and self-expression 3. Feel confident giving short presentations to small groups and larger audiences. |
授業の形式?方法と履修上の注意 /Teaching method and Attention the course |
Most class will involve pair and group work. | ||||||||||
事前?事後学修の内容 /Before After Study |
Preview the textbook before each class: 30 – 60 minutes. Every 2 weeks students will be required to prepare for a short talk or presentation. Preparation time will range from 4 to 6 hours. | ||||||||||
テキスト1 /Textbooks1 |
テキスト2 /Textbooks2 |
テキスト3 /Textbooks3 |
参考文献等1 /References1 |
参考文献等2 /References2 |
参考文献等3 /References3 |
評価方法 /Evaluation |
Short Presentations x 3: 45%, Final Assessment: 25%, Participation: 30% In principle, four or more absences will automatically result in a grade of F or X. |
関連科目 /Related Subjects |
備考 /Notes |
到達目標 /Learning Goal |
学生が、「一般学術目的の英語 (EGAP = English for General Academic Purposes) 」を基盤として、各専攻分野共通の基本的な言語技能と英語を身に付け、また、主体的な「自律英語学習」ができるようにする。 |
回 /Time |
授業計画(主題の設定) /Class schedule |
授業の内容 /Contents of class |
事前?事後学修の内容 /Before After Study |
1 | Course orientation for new students | Introduction to course requirements, leaning goals, and class policies | |
2 | Unit 5: Music | Discussing music genres, artists and songs | Research a popular Japanese artist. Write a rap song a social issue |
3 | Unit 5: Music | Musicians with a message to share. Introduction to basic presentation skills | Complete outline for short talk |
4 | Unit 5: Short Presentation | Give a 2-minute talk on messages in music | Rehearse presentation |
5 | Unit 6: Journeys | Class task: Creating the great Japan journey | Research unusual tourist locations in Japan. Review classwork |
6 | Unit 6: Journeys | Learning Expeditions for students | Preview unit in the textbook. Complete outline fo r short presentation |
7 | Unit 6: Short Presentation | Give a 2-minute talk on an educational expedition for students | Rehearse presentation |
8 | Unit 7: Families | Studying the changes in family life: past, present and future | Preview unit in textbook. Review classwork |
9 | Unit 7: Families | Activities involving famous families | Research a famous family. Complete outline for short talk |
10 | Unit 7: Short Presentation | Give a 3-minute talk on a famous family | Rehearse presentation |
11 | Unit 9: Happiness | Activities on personal happiness | Preview unit in textbook. Review classwork |
12 | Unit 9: Happiness | Discussion on what makes a happy country | Research a happy country. Prepare for final presentation |
13 | Final Presentation – Group A | 4-minute PowerPoint presentation | Rehearse presentation |
14 | Final Presentation – Groups B | 4-minute PowerPoint presentation | Rehearse presentation |