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科目一覧へ戻る/Return to the Course List | 2021/09/16 現在/As of 2021/09/16 |
開講科目名 /Course |
開講所属 /Course Offered by |
ターム?学期 /Term?Semester |
2021年度/2021 Academic Year 春学期/SPRING SEMESTER |
曜限 /Day, Period |
木3/Thu 3 |
開講区分 /semester offered |
春学期/Spring |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
学年 /Year |
2,3,4 |
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
齋藤 雪絵 |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Affiliation |
授業の目的?内容 /Course Objectives |
In this course, we will look at the history and cultural background of UNESCO World Heritage Sites around the world. Both natural and cultural heritage are indispensable sources to learn about our past and live in the present and the future. Each week, students will learn about a different Word Heritage Site by watching a DVD included in the textbook and completing various activities. For the mid-term project, students will share the results of independent research on the topic related to World Heritage covered in the course. For the final project, students will make a presentation on a World Heritage Site of their own choice. | ||||||||||
授業の形式?方法と履修上の注意 /Teaching method and Attention the course |
In this course, we will: - combine online and offline lessons. (The schedule will be distributed during the course guidance in Week 1). - use manaba for presenting learning materials, collecting assignments, and providing feedback. - provide opportunities of exchanging opinions among students by introducing group work. - aim at higher learning efficiency by utilizing learning materials distributed in advance in combination with real-time classes. |
事前?事後学修の内容 /Before After Study |
Before: Completing mini-quizzes and vocabulary exercises After: Writing reflection papers based on mini-research |
テキスト1 /Textbooks1 |
テキスト2 /Textbooks2 |
テキスト3 /Textbooks3 |
参考文献等1 /References1 |
参考文献等2 /References2 |
参考文献等3 /References3 |
評価方法 /Evaluation |
Participation, assignments, and weekly reflection (50%) Mid-term project - presentation (20%) Final project - paper and presentation (30%) |
関連科目 /Related Subjects |
備考 /Notes |
副題:World Heritage | ||||||||||
到達目標 /Learning Goal |
「英語Ⅰ~Ⅳ」の学習成果を踏まえ、専門的、実践的な英語運用能力を習得し、特定のテーマに関する英語文献研究、実務的課題に対処できるようにする。 |
回 /Time |
授業計画(主題の設定) /Class schedule |
授業の内容 /Contents of class |
事前?事後学修の内容 /Before After Study |
1 | Introduction and Course Overview | Understanding what World Heritage Sites are | |
2 | Unit 1: Carving the History of the Earth | Learning Grand Canyon National Park | |
3 | Unit 3: Monument to the Beloved | Learning Taj Mahal | |
4 | Unit 4: Where Ancient Spirits Live | Learning Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park | |
5 | Unit 5: Beautiful Paris, Forever | Learning Paris and the Banks of the Seine | |
6 | Unit 6: Hidden City | Learning Historic Site of Machu Picchu | |
7 | Mid-term Presentation | Making a presentation on a topic related to the World Heritage covered in the course | |
8 | Unit 7: The Challenge to Find Longitude | Learning Greenwich | |
9 | Unit 8: The Maze City | Learning The Medina of Fez | |
10 | Unit 10: Underground Towns | Learning Goreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia | |
11 | Unit 11: A Nation of Civility | Learning Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu | |
12 | Final Presentation: Group A | Making a presentation on a World Heritage Site | |
13 | Final Presentation: Group B | Making a presentation on a World Heritage Site | |
14 | Final Presentation: Group C | Making a presentation on a World Heritage Site |