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科目一覧へ戻る/Return to the Course List | 2021/09/16 現在/As of 2021/09/16 |
開講科目名 /Course |
開講所属 /Course Offered by |
大学全カリ外国語科目/ |
ターム?学期 /Term?Semester |
2021年度/2021 Academic Year 秋学期/FALL SEMESTER |
曜限 /Day, Period |
火2/Tue 2 |
開講区分 /semester offered |
秋学期/Fall |
単位数 /Credits |
1.0 |
学年 /Year |
2,3,4 |
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
R.A.バートン/Rocky Allen BURTON |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Affiliation |
R.A.バートン/Rocky Allen BURTON | 経済学科/ECONOMICS |
授業の目的?内容 /Course Objectives |
This course aims to build on the skills and strategies students acquired in Academic Listening Strategies Ia/b. Students will listen to news broadcasts, interviews, and academic lectures on various topics and takes notes as they listen. Pre- and post-listening tasks such as vocabulary building exercises, short discussions and/or presentations, and writing assignments will also be undertaken. Main skill objectives: By the end of the course students should be able to, among others: ?understand the main ideas of news broadcasts, interviews, and academic lectures ?understand how supporting ideas are related to main ideas ?take effective notes as they listen ?use listening strategies to aid comprehension |
授業の形式?方法と履修上の注意 /Teaching method and Attention the course |
The format of the class will be decided by the teacher and may include one of more of the following: face-2-face, materials/assignment/feedback sent online, on-demand, real-time online (Zoom, etc.), and HyFlex. In any case students will spend most of their time completing listening activities, in addition to other activities using different skills including speaking and writing. The course will also make use of a Learning Management System (LMS) such as MyDOC or manaba. Students will use the LMS to download and upload homework assignments and other activities. | ||||||||||
事前?事後学修の内容 /Before After Study |
Students will complete assignments related to the listening passages in the textbook. These assignments will either be pre-listening or post-listening. Students can expect to spend approximately 1 hour each week to complete these assignments. Assignment submission will either be in class or by using the LMS for the class. | ||||||||||
テキスト1 /Textbooks1 |
テキスト2 /Textbooks2 |
テキスト3 /Textbooks3 |
参考文献等1 /References1 |
参考文献等2 /References2 |
参考文献等3 /References3 |
評価方法 /Evaluation |
授業参加: 25% 課題: 25% 定期試験: 50% (担当教員によって異なります。この評価方法は一例です。) ※原則として4回以上欠席した学生は成績評価対象とならない。 |
関連科目 /Related Subjects |
備考 /Notes |
テキスト:教科書は教員によって異なります。DUO(丸善書店)の掲示板を確認すること。 参考文献:授業中に紹介。 |
到達目標 /Learning Goal |
学生が、「一般学術目的の英語 (EGAP = English for General Academic Purposes) 」を基盤として、各専攻分野共通の基本的な言語技能と英語を身に付け、また、主体的な「自律英語学習」ができるようにする。 |
回 /Time |
授業計画(主題の設定) /Class schedule |
授業の内容 /Contents of class |
事前?事後学修の内容 /Before After Study |
1 | Information about the fall semester. | 各担当者により具体的な授業計画が異なるため、第一回目の授業でクラスシラバスを受け取ること。以下は授業 | Students will answer a questionnaire about video games. |
2 | Unit 7:Media Studies | Students will learn background information about video games. | Students will watch an online video about video game addiction. |
3 | Video games | Students will watch a lecture about the growth of video games. | Students will do preview activities for the unit lecture. |
4 | Unit 8: Biology | Students will learn background information about genetically modified food (GM food). | Students will read an article about GM food. |
5 | Types of GM | Students will watch a lecture on specific types of GM food. | Students will write their opinions about the lecture. |
6 | Unit 9: Business | Students will learn background information about design thinking. | Students will preview the vocabulary for the unit. |
7 | Design thinking | Students will watch a lecture on a business strategy. | Students will organize their notes taken during the lecture. |
8 | Unit 10: History | Students will learn background information about a famous historical figure. | Students will preview vocabulary for the lecture. |
9 | A story of adventure | Students will watch a lecture about Ernest Shackleton. | Students will write a summary of the lecture. |
10 | Unit 11: Ethics | Students will learn background information about two philosophical approaches. | Students will complete an online questionnaire. |
11 | Individual rights vs. utilitarianism | Students will watch a lecture about ethics and ethical decisions. | Students will share their opinions about the lecture online. |
12 | Unit 12: Information technology | Students will learn background about data and how it is stored. | Students will watch a video about IT. |
13 | The world of "big data" | Students will watch a lecture on data, its collections, and uses. | Students will write their opinions about the lecture. |
14 | Consolidation and assessment | Brief review following by a written assessment | Students will have a chance to gauge improvement of their listening skills. |