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科目一覧へ戻る/Return to the Course List | 2024/08/29 現在/As of 2024/08/29 |
開講科目名 /Course |
開講所属 /Course Offered by |
ターム?学期 /Term?Semester |
2024年度/2024 Academic Year 春学期/SPRING SEMESTER |
曜限 /Day, Period |
木3/Thu 3 |
開講区分 /semester offered |
春学期/Spring |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
学年 /Year |
2,3,4 |
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
工藤 和宏 |
遠隔授業科目 /Online Course |
- |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Affiliation |
工藤 和宏 | 英語学科/ENGLISH |
授業の目的?内容 /Course Objectives |
"Research interviewing: Intercultural learning" This course is aimed at helping students with advanced English language proficiency to develop both a concrete and conceptual understanding of research interviewing. Drawing on the literature of qualitative research methodology and international higher education, this course provides students with the opportunity to conduct a small research project on intercultural interactions between domestic and international students at Dokkyo University. Topics to be covered in the spring semester include: internationalisation of the student experience ‘at home’; paradigms of qualitative and quantitative research; the place of the literature in qualitative research; pros and cons of interviewing; writing a research proposal; and ethics in human research. |
授業の形式?方法と履修上の注意 /Teaching method and Attention the course |
アクティブ?ラーニングの手法に基づき、Manabaをフルに活用した学習者中心の授業を行います。リーディング、ライティング、ディスカッション、プレゼンテーションなど、こなさなければならない課題は多いですが、(世界で通用する)高度な学力?英語力を身に着けるための「通過点」として本講義をご利用いただければ幸いです。毎週約4時間の事前?事後学修が必要です。受講生が提出する全ての課題において、受講生間のピア?アセスメントまたは教員によるフィードバックが行われます。本講義は、原則として英語で行いますが講義内容を補足するため適宜日本語も使用します。教材?資料は全て英語です。 | ||||||||||
事前?事後学修の内容 /Before After Study |
テキスト1 /Textbooks1 |
テキスト2 /Textbooks2 |
テキスト3 /Textbooks3 |
参考文献等1 /References1 |
参考文献等2 /References2 |
参考文献等3 /References3 |
評価方法 /Evaluation |
1. Four essays (20%): Between Weeks 2 and 5, students submit four 200-word essays whose topics will be discussed in depth in class. 2. Research proposal (60%): The 1,000-word proposal must indicate what students are going to do (purposes and foci), why they want to do it (rationales), and how they are going to conduct research (methodology). 3. Contributions to class, including peer feedback (20%): Students provide detailed feedback on other students' work, using a rubric provided by the instructor. |
関連科目 /Related Subjects |
備考 /Notes |
到達目標 /Learning Goal |
分野の専門性をもった英文マテリアル(資料)を講読、読解できるようにする。 |
回 /Time |
授業計画(主題の設定) /Class schedule |
授業の内容 /Contents of class |
事前?事後学修の内容 /Before After Study |
1 | Introduction to course | Introduction to the course | Write a short essay on Paper 1 |
2 | Intercultural friendship 1 | Reading a qualitative study (Paper 1) | Write a short essay on Paper 2 |
3 | Intercultural friendship 2 | Reading a quantitative study (Paper 2) | Write a short essay on Book chapter 1 |
4 | What is qualitative research? | Understanding positivism and constructivism (Book chapter 1) | Write a short essay on Paper 3 |
5 | Intercultural friendship formation | Understanding the dynamics of intercultural friendship (Paper 3) | Prepare for discussion on Paper 4 |
6 | Internationalisation ‘at home' | Understanding the concept of internationalisation at home (Paper 4) | Prepare for discussion on Book chapter 2 |
7 | Research interviewing: Pros and cons | Research interviewing: Pros and cons (Book chapter 2) | Read Book chapter 3 and write an outline of the research proposal. |
8 | Writing a research proposal | Writing a research proposal (Book chapter 3) | Prepare for discussion on Paper 5 |
9 | A longitudinal approach | Understanding a longitudinal approach (Paper 5) | Prepare for discussion on Book chapter 4 |
10 | Ethics in human research | Ethics in human research (Book chapter 4) | Provide feedback on two students' research proposals. |
11 | Peer feedback on research proposal | Improving a research proposal | Complete the presentation outline and slides. |
12 | Giving a presentation | Presentation and feedback | Provide feedback to other students. |
13 | Reflection on the presentation | Reflection on the presentation | Provide feedback on the feedback from other students. |
14 | Wrap-up | Reflection on the final essay | Provide feedback on the feedback from the instructor. |