獨協大学?外国語学部?英語学科の文学?文化?歴史コース、専任教員の公募【2024年9月30日(月) 応募書類必着】

獨協大学?外国語学部?英語学科の文学?文化?歴史コース、専任教員の公募【2024年9月30日(月) 応募書類必着】










  1. 英語圏の思想、歴史、文化に関する優れた研究業績があること。
  2. 博士の学位の取得者、もしくは博士号と同等の研究業績を有する者。
  3. 英語圏の大学院?研究機関において1年以上の留学?勤務経験があることが望ましい。
  4. 学業面のみならず学生生活全般に関する学生指導に熱意を持っていること。
  5. 日本語でも英語でも授業が行えること。
  6. 国籍は問わない。ただし、日本語でも英語でも文書の理解と作成ができ、日本語で開催される教授会や委員会等の大学運営業務が支障なくできること。


  1. 担当予定科目
    a. 文学?文化?歴史コースの専門基礎科目、および学科専門科目(「英語圏の文学?文化?歴史入門」、「文学?文化?歴史 a/ b」、「アメリカ/イギリスの社会と歴史」、「文学?文化?歴史ワークショップ a/ b」、「文学?文化?歴史特殊講義 a/ b」など)。
    b. 「演習」(着任2年目以降)。
    c. 英語基礎科目(「基礎演習I/II」や「Reading Skills for Academic Purposes I/II」など)
    d. 英語応用科目(「英語専門講読a/b」など)。
  2. 週5コマ以上の授業科目を担当する。
  3. 大学?学部?学科が主催する各種行事の企画?運営、各種委員会の校務、短期留学の引率等の国際交流活動、本学科の広報活動、特色ある学科プログラムの構築への貢献などが求められる。


  1. 給与: 本学の給与規程による。
    • 教授(モデル給、50歳):基本給(月額)665,500円
    • 准教授(モデル給、40歳):基本給(月額)526,300円
    • 専任講師(モデル給、30歳):基本給(月額)383,500円
    • 諸手当(扶養、住宅、超過授業、入試等)
    • 個人研究費(41万円)などは別途支給
    • 賞与:本学規程による
  2. 勤務時間: 専門業務型裁量労働制の適用あり
  3. (1日のみなし労働時間は6時間20分とする、週38時間(月~土))
  4. 通勤費: 本学規程により実費支給(上限あり)
  5. 社会保険: 日本私立学校振興?共済事業団
  6. 雇用保険: 労災保険に加入
  7. 定年: 70歳


  1. カバーレター
  2. Curriculum Vitae(履歴書、教育?研究業績書)
  3. 修士または博士課程の修了証明書
  4. 主要研究業績、3点
  5. 主要研究業績の要旨、3点
    *それぞれの業績について、日本語800字程度または英語600 words程度で記すこと


JREC-IN Portal Web 応募(全ての書類を一つのPDFファイルにまとめて添付してください)


  1. 第1次審査:書類選考 (10月末までに結果をお知らせします)。
  2. 第2次審査:日本語および英語による面接と模擬授業


2024年9月30日(月) 必着
JREC-IN サイトから Web 応募してください。


〒340-0042 埼玉県草加市学園町1-1
獨協大学外国語学部英語学科 英語学科共同研究室


柿田秀樹 e-mail: kakita213(a)dokkyo.ac.jp



Full-time Tenured Position Announcement, Dokkyo University Department of English, Faculty of Foreign Languages

1.Category of Position

Professor, Associate Professor, or Lecturer (full-time, tenured)

2.Number of Positions


3.Date of Employment

April 1, 2026


  1. Research focuses on Philosophical/ Cultural/ Historical/ Social issues in the English-speaking world.
  2. A Ph.D. in a related area or the equivalent from an accredited institution on or before April 1, 2026.
  3. The successful applicant is preferred to have study-abroad experience for at least one year in an English-speaking country.
  4. The successful applicant should demonstrate a strong commitment to teaching and mentoring students.
  5. The successful applicant should have sufficient English and Japanese proficiency to conduct classes in both languages.
  6. The successful applicant should have sufficient Japanese proficiency required for general administrative work for the University and the Department.

5.Position Details

  1. Teaching Responsibilities
    a. Introductory and advanced courses offered in Literature, Culture, and History courses associated with the field of the candidate's expertise ("Literature, Culture, and History a/ b", "American Society and History", "British Society and History", "Workshop on Literature, Culture, and History a/ b", "Special Lecture on Literature, Culture, and History a/ b")
    b. One Seminar (From the second year of employment)
    c. Introductory English Courses ("Introductory Seminar I/II," "Reading Skills for Academic Purposes I/II," etc.)
    d. Advanced English Courses ("Advanced Thematic Reading a/b," etc.)
  2. The minimum teaching load is five classes per week.
  3. The successful candidate must also fulfill administrative duties as required by the University and the Department, in addition to research and teaching.

6.Employment Conditions and Compensation

  1. Salary: To be commensurate with qualifications and experience in accordance with the University's pay scale
    • Professor: Applicants aged 50 receive an average base salary of ?665,500/month
    • Associate Professor: Applicants aged 40 receive an average base salary of ?526,300 /month
    • Lecturer: Applicants aged 30 receive an average base salary of ?383,500/month
    • Annual private research allowance: ?410,000
  2. Working hours: Opt-in discretionary work system for professional work. Working hours are deemed 6 hours and 20 minutes a day, 38 hours a week from Monday to Saturday.
  3. Allowances, including those for dependents, administrative work, housing, transportation, and extra work, will be provided in accordance with the University's guidelines.
  4. Benefits include health insurance (administered by the Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan), pension, and employment insurance.
  5. Employment Insurance and worker's accident compensation insurance are also available.
  6. Age of retirement: 70 years old (the retirement date is the end of March following the 70th birthday).

7.Application Materials

All applicants should submit the following materials:

  1. Cover letter, either in English or Japanese, including email address, telephone number, and a table of contents for the application materials.
  2. Curriculum vitae with a full list of academic publications and research/educational activities. You will be asked to submit the university format version of your resume and a list of academic publications and research at later stages of the selection process.
  3. A photocopy of the applicant's final degree certificate/diploma.
  4. Copies of three major academic publications.
    If you only have physical copies of your publications, please send them to the address below
  5. Summaries for the above three academic publications (each summary should be approximately 600 words in English or 800-characters in Japanese).

8.Application Method

The applicant should combine all the files into one single PDF file OR place all the above materials into one single folder and convert that folder into a ZIP file. This Zip file should then be submitted to the JREC-IN Portal website (i.e., upload the file there). Please note that only one file can be uploaded on the JREC-IN Portal website.

In principle, application materials will not be returned. If you wish to have the physical copies of your academic publications returned, please indicate so in the cover letter and enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope.

9.Selection Process

  1. The first screening is based on the submitted application materials.
    First screening results notification: Only shortlisted applicants qualifying for an interview will be notified regarding the results of the first screening--by late October.
    * Please note that the notification schedule may be subject to change. If a change does occur, results will be posted on the University website.
  2. The second screening is based on an interview and a trial lecture in English and/or Japanese.
    * Please note that the applicant may choose the language of the trial lecture, but we may ask you to respond to interview questions in both languages. We may also request additional documents when needed.
    ** The University will not reimburse travel expenses related to the interview.

10.Application Deadline

All application materials must be received no later than September 30, 2024. Please apply online at the JREC-IN website.


Office of the Department of English, Dokkyo University
1-1 Gakuen-cho, Soka, Saitama 340-0042


For further information, contact:
Department of English Chair, Hideki Kakita
Email: kakita213(at)dokkyo.ac.jp (Please change the (at) to an @ mark)

13.Notification of Selection Results

Upon completion of the selection process, we will notify you via the e-mail address you provided. Applicants' privacy will be strictly protected and submitted documents will not be used for any purpose other than the selection process.

*If any doubts or inconsistencies arise between the Japanese version and the English version of the application guideline, the Japanese version will take precedence.