- 職名
- 教授
- 所属
- 外国語学部ドイツ語学科
- 最終学歴
- オハイオ大学大学院(M.A. in Linguistics)
- 学位
- 修士(言語学)
- 学位を授与した機関
- Ohio University
- 専門分野
- Applied linguistics, linguistics
- 研究室No.
- 520
- 電話番号
- -
Listening instruction, content-based instruction (CBI)
Mastering a foreign language is a huge task that requires a great deal of effort and dedication. While classroom activities and homework assignments give students opportunities to improve their skills, they are not always sufficient. For this reason, as much as possible I want to help students go beyond what is done in the classroom and find ways to further challenge themselves and achieve their language learning goals.
My first chance to learn a foreign language was in junior high school, where I studied Latin. I then learned Spanish in high school, and in university studied Portuguese and Russian. My interest in learning foreign languages is what led me to become a language teacher myself, and I have enjoyed teaching English in many places in Japan, as well as outside of Japan.
If you come to a fork in the road, take it. (Yogi Berra)
竹内 理『より良い外国語学習法を求めて―外国語学習成功者の研究』(松柏社、2003)
Learning foreign languages opens new worlds of experience for students, and can also help them to become more understanding and tolerant of different ways of thinking and living. As much as possible during your four years at university take advantage of all of the new worlds of experience that foreign languages can bring to you.