


講座名 英語B

難易度(目指すレベル) 初級(レベルの目安は コチラ
曜日?時間 土曜日 10:55~12:25
受講料 19,800円(税込)
定員 20名
単位 2単位
テキスト Christina Latham-Koenig他著『American English File Level 2 Student Book With Online Practice Third Edition』(Oxford University Press、3,773円(税込)、ISBN: 978-0-19-490639-5)
備考 お申込みと受講前に、必ず「受講にあたっておよび注意事項」をご確認ください。


獨協大学講師 専門/経済学
 Teresa Koide has been teaching English in Japan for more than 20 years. She currently teaches at Dokkyo University, Tsuda University, and Keio University. She originally comes from America and holds a master's degree in Intercultural Relations. Teresa enjoys cooking, playing with her dogs, and watching movies in her free time.


 This course is aimed at high beginner level students. It will help students gain confidence speaking about simple topics like hobbies, clothing, traveling, and habits. In pairs and small groups, students will do various activities like interviews, role plays, and games while receiving support from the teacher.
 The same textbook will be used in the spring and fall terms.


1. 5/17 Unit 1A: Are you? Can you? Do you? Did you?
2. 5/24 Unit 1B: The perfect date: Simple present tense
3. 5/31 Unit 1C: Clothing: -ing form
4. 6/7 Unit 2A: Vacations
5. 6/14 Unit 2B: Describing pictures: past continuous
6. 6/21 Unit 2C: Storytelling: time sequencers
7. 6/28 Unit 3A: At the airport: future tense
8. 7/5 Unit 3B: Future arrangements
9. 7/12 Unit 3C: Word games: defining relative clauses


